Welcome to the Program!
As each day progresses, a new DAY PAGE will appear in the menu above - under PROGRAM OUTLINE- and each DAY # title below will become green. Click on the title to progress to each new day. Contact Me if you have any questions and keep in mind, you can schedule your 30 minute phone consultation - based on your juicing experiences - whenever you're ready or feeling like extra support. Otherwise, visit each day for videos and information, explore the BLOG for motivation, read the RESOURCES for information and keep watch on your inbox for updates and support.
Day One: Welcome and Why Raw Foods
This page welcomes you to the program and describes some of the science behind Raw and Living Foods. Behind the science of Raw Foods, you will learn why we ease our way into the cleanse by eating a raw, vegan and mostly blended food diet. When you decide to end your cleanse, what you learn about Raw and Living Foods here will greatly assist you in a smooth transition. Check out the Resources page for the Document called Shopping List to get a head start on your juicing list - plus all of the listed ingredients will be perfect for eating raw as well!
Day Two: Detox and Elimination
To ease the potentially uncomfortable Detox Symptoms, we are eating Raw and Living Foods to prepare. During this video, I will discuss the common symptoms of detoxification one might face during cleansing. I will discuss, in thorough details, your bowels and what you should expect during the cleanse.
Day Three: The Benefits of Juicing
Eating cooked foods and everyday digestion requires a lot from your body. Whether you juice for 1 day, 3 days, 5 days or maybe even 10 days, you will receive enormous benefit from the break you've given your digestive system and the very high doses of liquid nutrition going straight into your blood stream for your body to thrive upon. A lighter, brighter you will result from a clear intestinal tract after even one day of abstaining from solid foods. I will discuss what you might expect during the Juicing portion of the cleanse, as well as demonstrate the method of juicing using a BLENDER!
Day Four: Hunger and Colon Cleansing
On day two of the juicing, which is day four of the cleanse, you may experience hunger throughout the day. This generally leaves between day 2 and 4, but how can you handle this challenge? Learn tips and tricks for getting past the hunger and learn the importance of a clear and clean colon throughout your cleanse. I will discuss tongue scraping, colon hydrotherapy, naps and more!
Day Five: Thirst and Energy
How can you balance your energy and actually drink as much as the program suggests? This video entry is dedicated to the various energy levels different juices will provide and learn how much you should drink to maintain your energy. Are you on an exercise program or do you work behind a desk for most of the day? Each person will need varying amounts and I will coach you individually on how much is perfect for you.
Day Six: Empowerment Over the Emotional Connection with Food
You're in for a treat! This is perhaps the greatest benefit to juice cleansing and fasting - regaining empowerment over food again. By now you may realize you're being fed all the nutrition you need through juices and yet you may wonder, "Am I still hungry for food or something else to 'feed' me?" I will discuss the various outlets you might seek to release this new energy and level of control you have over food during this tab. SPECIAL VIDEO for you too!
Day Seven: Green Juice vs. Red Juice / RRR vs Detox
How long were you able to keep up with the green juices and what difference is there between the types? During this video, I will discuss which juices are more Repairing, Rebuilding and Rejuvenating vs Detoxifying.
Day Eight: Favorite Recipes and Juicing Daily
Recipes, Techniques and Tools to assure you incorporate juicing into your daily lives, even after the program ends. Discover recipes based on common health concerns and explore how adding preventative juices support your immunity and longevity.
Day Nine: How Long to Cleanse
Just because the coaching program lasts for 10 days, doesn't mean you have to end your journey with the 10 days. By now, you have all the tools you need to continue on your journey or safely end your cleanse after 7 days. On day 10, during the How to End Your Cleanse Properly, I will discuss the physical symptoms you might still face which indicate you are either 'not done' with the detox or 'ready to move on' to healthy eating again. Remember, the benefits of juicing only get better and better with time.
Day Ten: How to End Your Cleanse Properly
Breaking your cleanse properly is of far greater importance than the juicing itself. As you'll notice throughout your cleanse, your energy level kept increasing and your health kept improving as the cleanse gets easier and easier. So much so that I dare say juicing is easier to manage than cooking and eating healthy from day to day. But once you are mentally 'done' with your cleanse and your taste buds get some food on them, even the most experienced of juicers may allow hunger and desire for food get the best of their recently discovered control over food. You may eat the wrong things or overeat too soon which may lead to putting on all the weight lost and retoxifying your recently cleaned body. During this video, I will discuss how the digestion slows down and why it is dangerous to break your fast with your traditional favorite foods and more!